Study in Norway
The Kingdom of Norway is one of the strong economical based Scandinavian countries situated in northwestern Europe consist of 5 million population. Oil, fishing, and forest are the main sources of income. Norway is an ideal and unparalleled destination according to living stander, job sources and salaries, nature, and the environment. Norwegian people are jovial facetious and good-tempered. Well organized lifestyle and incredible nature propel even plebes to emerge his real skills to avail prosperity. End of the world point and 6 months day and six months night make the environment drop-dead gorgeous. Economically it is one of the richest countries in the entire world. Huge no of public and private universities and university colleges offering all programs for both bachelor and master students. There are two semesters for international students in a year and a free educational system facilitates the candidate to stimulate his endowment. Full scholarship for Ph.D. programs with 8000 Kr. monthly as an initial job salary is available throughout the whole year. Students acquire a one-year job search visa after completion of the degree and can obtain PR by showing a fast job during the job search visa period. Employment infrastructure is very comprehensive and basic salary is 4 times higher as compared to other EU countries.
Norway is a great place to study, with a wide range of choices and a good quality. The tuition fees is almost Free. You can choose among 700+ degree programmers in Norwegian universities and colleges, covering all academic fields: business studies and administration, social sciences and humanities, medicine and veterinary science, technology etc. There is a rapidly growing research community, a multimillion grants programs as well as an excellent infrastructure for graduate education. The department combines theoretical computer science and applied mathematics with social sciences and engineering to develop new technologies. Study in Norway is an inspirational decision to studying abroad in this northern Scandinavian nation. You’ll learn all about the application process, finance and living costs, entry requirements, visa information, housing options and more. The Norwegian university system has offered a strong education for over 150 years. The close connection between the student, teacher and community is fundamental to this system. This is what makes studying in Norway so successful. For your master’s degree at the University of Oslo, the Norwegian School of Economics or The Royal Institute of Technology, between the mountains and sea. Norway offers a unique combination of beautiful scenery, sophisticated culture, high living standards and friendly people. You will find it easy to make friends at all levels within the faculty and socialize with other international students from all over the globe so far you would be fully trained to communicate and become a part of the society after learning Norwegian with us at SIML
Advantages of studying in Norway
- Complete your degree without paying any tuition fee for all semesters.
- All programs availability, in more than 7 high-ranked public universities.
- Easy access to acquire bank loan on a very low margin basis and easiest terms for student to fulfill extra expenditures if candidates do not want to work.
- All programs availability with 20 hours a week، work permission and easy access to avail a variety of jobs related to your field.
- For Ph.D. full scholarship with 8000 kr. Salary package from 1st moth availability.
- One year free job search visa after completion of the degree.
- Show a fast job contract in your job search visa period and change your living status to permanent residence (pr).
- The richest destination in the world, average job salary is 3.5 times higher as compare to other European countries.
- Net salary package for the students, no tex deduction.
- Cheap medical and travel facilities.